







  1. 多様で広い視野を持ち、経済のグローバル化や技術革新・地球環境問題において積極的にビジネス分野で活躍をめざす学生。
  2. 中小企業の起業・成長・継承をめざす学生、あるいは、地域の経済・社会の発展に貢献する意欲を持つ学生。
  3. イノベーションに取り組み、単なる「ものづくり」企業からの脱皮と、市場のグローバル化、製品等のコモディティ化に対応しうるマネジメントのあり方に解をみつけようとする高い意欲を有する学生。
  4. マーケティングの分野で専門的な知識を獲得し、企業や組織の発展に寄与する意欲を持つ学生。
  5. 会計・ファイナンスの分野で専門的な知識を獲得し、社会、経済、企業の発展に寄与しようとする学生。
  6. 企業を取り巻くビジネス環境の現状と今後の動向に関心を持つとともに、ビジネス環境に関する知識を駆使して、社会、経済、企業の発展に貢献することをめざす学生。
  7. 特定の専門領域にとらわれず、組織マネジメント、人的資源管理、経営戦略等に関する総合的な知識を活かして、経営のさらなる高度化を図ることを企図している経営者、あるいは、次世代経営者としての職にある学生。


  1. 学習の基礎となる知識・教養に加えて、いずれかの事業分野における実務経験と専門的知識またはそれに準ずる学識や経験を身につけていること。
  2. 上記の知識や経験に基づき、柔軟かつ論理的な思考力、判断力、表現力を持ち、自ら問題点を発見し、それを解決するため学習する力を持っていること。
  3. 自らの事業分野または関心のある事業分野の課題解決と社会的課題解決への貢献のため、主体性をもって多様な経験や能力を持つ人々と協働して学習する意欲を持っていること。
  4. 国内外の経済社会への高い関心の下、企業・組織が直面する諸課題や自らが取り組むべき課題を認識しまたは強い問題意識を持ち、ビジネス研究科で学ぶ目的が明確になっていること。






1)ビジネスの創造とソリューション能力 (知識・技能)



ビジネス研究科 ビジネス専攻 カリキュラムマップ(2023年度以前生)


1)経営の基礎的知識や技能をもとに、発展的知識や技能を身につけ応用することができる。これらの知識・技能を駆使して、 Responsible Innovative Leader として、国内外または地域社会のビジネスや経営に貢献することができる。(知識・技能)

2)良心に基づき、革新を産み出すための思考や判断をすることができ、またリーダーとしての優れたコミュニケーションをおこなうことができる。(その際の言語は、まずは日本語を想定している。) これらの思考力・判断力・表現力を駆使して、 Responsible Innovative Leader として、国内外または地域社会のビジネスや経営に貢献することができる。(思考力・判断力・表現力)

3)リーダーとして、主体的に動き、多様性を尊重し、協働性を発揮することができる。これらの主体性・多様性・協働性を駆使して、Responsible Innovative Leader として、国内外または地域社会のビジネスや経営に貢献することができる 。(主体性・多様性・協働性)

ビジネス研究科 ビジネス専攻 カリキュラムマップ(2024年度以降生)









昼間に仕事を持つ社会人学生が無理なく履修でき、かつ、体系的な学びのガイドラインとなるよう共通科目A、共通科目B 及び 専門科目の開講時期が配慮されている。共通科目Aは、1年次の春学期前半・後半、秋学期前半に配置されており、多くの科目は土曜日に開講される。共通科目Bは、春学期後半、秋学期前半・後半に配置される。平日夜間の今出川教室・大阪教室、あるいは土曜日昼間の今出川教室で開講される。専門科目は、年間を通じて配置される。これらの科目は、平日夜間の今出川教室・大阪教室、あるいは土曜日昼間の今出川教室で開講される。




ソリューションレポートは、学生個人が自らの問題意識に基づいて現実の社会、企業における諸問題を課題として設定し、実務に則した分析、問題解決について取り組む。「プロジェクト研究」の場における学生相互の議論、情報交換等を踏まえ、問題把握、分析、問題解決を進めることになる。修了年次の9月上旬の中間報告会で進捗を確認し、1月上旬に提出されたのち口頭による発表会を経て、主査 及び 副査2名の教員により評価を受ける。


  • ビジネス専攻では、その中に、中小企業・地域経営、イノベーション、マーケティング、会計・ファイナンス、ビジネス環境分析、ゼネラルマネジメントの6つの専門分野を設定する。
  • 必修科目、共通科目A、共通科目B、専門科目群、プロジェクト研究(必修)及びソリューションレポートなどにより構成されるカリキュラムを設置する。
  • 専攻の修了のためには、必修8科目(16単位)、選択科目である共通科目A・B及び専門科目から12科目(24単位)以上、プロジェクト研究基礎・I・IIを3科目(6単位)の合計46単位以上を取得し、かつソリューションレポートの審査に合格する必要がある。
  • 必修科目は、「オペレーションズマネジメント」、「マーケティング」、「基礎会計学・ファイナンス」、「ビジネス経済学」「ビジネス統計学」、「組織行動と人的資源管理」、「経営戦略」、「企業経営と良心」の8科目16単位である。
  • 共通科目Aは、選択科目ではあるが、基礎的な3科目6単位である。
  • 共通科目Bは、先に述べた8つの必修科目や共通科目Aで獲得した基礎知識を前提とし、さらに拡充する発展科目(選択科目)である。
  • 専門科目群は各専門分野について、より高度で最新の知識を獲得するための応用科目(選択科目)である。
  • プロジェクト研究では、専門科目の履修によって取得した知識をもとに、担当教員の下で学生自ら課題を設定、その分析を行う「ソリューションレポート」の作成に向けての調査・研究を実施する。プロジェクト研究3科目6単位は、上記8科目に加えて必修である。
  • ソリューションレポートの作成、口頭審査の合格が修了要件である。ソリューションレポートは、プロジェクト研究での指導をもとに、学生個人は自らの問題意識に基づいて現実の社会、企業における諸問題を課題として設定し、実務に即した分析、問題解決について取り組み作成する。
  • 社会人学生が履修しやすいように配慮し、夜間や週末、また今出川や大阪での開講等を行う。




Admission Policy

Based on Doshisha University’s philosophy of ‘education with conscience,’ Doshisha Business School’s Global Business and Management Studies (hereinafter, GBMS) seeks to develop global business leaders who are willing and able to make a positive social contribution to global society. GBMS seeks to accept students of the following characteristics.

  1. Regardless of race, nationality, age, culture, or gender, foreign or Japanese students who seek to acquire a Master’s of Business Administration degree through the medium of English.
  2. After completion of the program, students who are willing to take initiative to contribute to the advancement of economies and societies through their work at an organization or as an entrepreneur either inside or outside of Japan.
  3. Students who have a global vision and global scope of activities, who are willing to enhance the mutual understanding of people in Asia and in the world.
  4. Students who hope for sustainable advancement of global society, who have knowledge of management, who can take the lead in the areas of sustainability (including green business), culture and creativity, Asian business, and others.

For the above, GBMS seeks students who possess the following knowledge, skills, and attitudes prior to entry.

  1. Students who have bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized college or university and have adequate work experience.
  2. Students who demonstrate their learning capacity.
  3. Students who demonstrate their proficiency in English.

The admission evaluation for a successful applicant is based on the above mentioned knowledge, experience, skills, attitudes, study purpose, career plan, and enthusiasm. The evaluation process includes document assessment and an interview.

Diploma Policy

Based on the ‘conscience’, the principle that underpins Doshisha’s education philosophy, Global Business and Management Studies Senko (hereinafter, GBMS Senko) of Doshisha Business School is seeking to develop global business leaders with strong social orientation. GBMS Senko grants Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree to a person who completed its English-based curriculum with following characteristics. GBMS Senko aims to develop business leaders who can advance societies of both their native land and Japan.

Students enrolled in or before AY2023

1) Students who possess knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude as global business leaders in both basic and advanced areas. (knowledge・ability・skills)

1-1) Students who possess knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude as global business leaders.  Those include basic knowledge and skills on functional areas on management; (knowledge・ability・skills)

1-2) Students who possess knowledge and skills in either one or multiple below areas: sustainability (including green), culture and creativity, Asian business and/or other advanced management areas. (knowledge・ability・skills)

2) Students who possess skills as global business leaders, including skills to think critically and analytically; skills to communicate effectively in English. (critical thinking・judgment・expressive skills)

3) Students, based on their conscientiousness, who possess perspectives, orientation and positive attitude towards socially oriented mission within the global society. Students who possess attitude to value and collaborate well with people of diverse backgrounds; and attitude to orient towards practical solutions. (subjectivity・diversity・collaboration)

3-1) Students, based on their conscientiousness, who possess perspectives, orientation and positive attitude towards socially oriented mission within the global society. (subjectivity)

3-2) Students who possess attitude to value and collaborate well with people of diverse backgrounds; and attitude to orient towards practical solutions. (diversity・collaboration)

Graduate School of Business Global Business and Management Studies Curriculum Map (Students enrolled in or before AY2023)

Students enrolled in or after AY2024

1) Students can acquire and effectively apply foundational and advanced management knowledge and skills. By adeptly utilizing these, students can contribute as Responsible Innovative Leaders in business and management, within Japan and the broader global community. Alternatively, students can conduct exceptional research based on these acquired knowledge and skills. (knowledge・ability・skills)

2) Based on conscience, students can engage in thinking and decision-making that generates innovation, and they are also capable of excellent communication as leaders, primarily using English. Harnessing these critical thinking, judging, and expressive abilities, students can contribute effectively as Responsible Innovative Leaders in business and management, within both local and global communities, including Japan. Alternatively, students can leverage these critical thinking, judging, and expressive skills to undertake outstanding research efforts. (critical thinking・judgment・expressive skills)

3) As leaders, students can proactively take initiative, respect diversity, and demonstrate collaboration. By effectively utilizing these qualities of initiative, diversity appreciation, and collaboration, students can contribute as Responsible Innovative Leaders in business and management, within the global society, including Japan. (subjectivity・diversity・collaboration)

Graduate School of Business Global Business and Management Studies Curriculum Map (Students enrolled in or after AY2024)

Curriculum Policy

Students enrolled in or before AY2023

In order to achieve objectives placed on our diploma policies, GBMS Senko sets curriculum, which includes core courses, global intensive courses, elective courses, required courses and Master’s Thesis/Research Project Report. GBMS Senko offers a curriculum which aims to develop above mentioned global leaders, through acquisition of high level of 1) knowledge and skills; 2) thinking, analyzing, communicating and judging capabilities; and 3) attitude towards social orientation and collaboration with people of diverse background.
The contents of curriculum, methods of education and evaluation are described below.

1. Curriculum Content

(1) Curriculum Structure
The curriculum is designed to give students a solid foundation in the core business subjects, and to allow students to shape their course selections to match their interests by choosing from a broad menu of electives.
The curriculum is made up of five parts: core courses, global intensive courses, elective courses, required courses, and master’s thesis/research project report. The core, global intensive and elective courses are lecture courses; while required courses and master’s thesis/research project report are seminar courses.
The core is consisted of two parts, foundation core and perspective core courses, nine courses in total. Students are strongly encouraged to take these courses in their first year. By foundation core courses, students acquire basic knowledge and skills of key functional management areas. By perspective core courses, students acquire knowledge and perspectives to be a global leader with conscientiousness. The perspective core courses aim to develop students’ positive attitude towards socially oriented mission within the global society.
The global intensive courses are offered by top professors from leading overseas business schools. By having an experience of being taught by faculty members of foreign business schools, students acquire both advanced knowledge and skills, and develop attitude to value collaborative works with people of diverse background.
In terms of electives, there are two categories of elective courses: Global MBA electives and courses taken at overseas partner universities and/or Japanese MBA courses. Students are recommended to take these courses to deepen their knowledge, further sharpen their skills and cultivate their attitude towards global leadership, after taking most of the core courses.
The Global MBA elective courses cover a broad range of business subjects, including those in our focus areas: Sustainability, Asia and Culture, as well as the advanced management. By elective courses, students get advanced knowledge and skills of management. At the same time, by elective courses of focused areas (Sustainability, Asia and Culture), students get knowledge, skills, insight, attitude in these focused areas. By allowing students to take Business Studies courses and also international alliance school courses, students will get further knowledge and cross-cultural skills and perspectives.
Although this is outside of the curriculum, by providing an opportunity to study Japanese, students get knowledge and familiarity to the Japanese language and also the Japanese society.

(2) Required courses and Master’s Thesis and Research Project Report
The required courses consist of four steps: Critical and Analytical Thinking (1st semester), Master’s Thesis and Research Project I (2nd semester), Master’s Thesis and Research Project II (3rd semester) and Master’s Thesis and Research Project III (4th semester). The master’s thesis/ research project report is not for course credit, but students are required to register so that their master thesis / research project report be evaluated.
By seminar courses including critical thinking class and research (Master Thesis and Research Project Report), students acquire knowledge and skills, thinking, judging and articulation skills, and also an attitude to take initiatives of their studies.

2. Education Methods

(1) Course Guidance
Before the registration of classes, both in Spring and Fall semesters, students get guidance on courses to take, by faculty members assigned for the students. This curriculum guidance enables students to take courses fit for their interest and career plans.

(2) Scheduling of Courses
Most of courses are placed during days of week days. In order to encourage students to study Japanese language courses offered by Doshisha University, courses are carefully placed so that there will be a minimal conflict with those Japanese courses. Also some courses are offered in the evening, so that students who belong to Japanese MBA Senko, most of them are working, can take those courses. By doing so, it is aimed that students will have more interactions with students who have experiences in Japanese business. Global intensive courses are offered in a compressed format (typically one-week or two-week) in the spring semester of the first year.

(3)Education Methods
In order to educate academically strong and yet highly professional business leaders, various education methods are adopted. Besides the traditional lecture style classes, interactive educational methods, such as case discussions and presentations are used to develop students’ thinking, analytical and communication skills. Within the class environment of students of highly diverse nationalities, group projects are frequently encouraged to develop students’ leadership skills and attitude to collaborate with people of diverse background. In order to develop attitude towards practicality, various field-based projects, executive talks and corporate visits are also adopted.

3. Evaluation Method

(1) Conditions for Completion and Evaluation Methods
To complete GBMS studies and earn an MBA degree, a student will need to: 1) reside at least two years; 2) complete courses totaling 46 credits; and 3) successfully submit and defend their Master’s Thesis or Research Project Report. Most courses are worth two credits. Students are required to obtain at least 16 credits of core courses; at least 2 credits of global intensive courses; at least 16 credits from elective courses; and 8 credits of required courses. Also, although it is not for course credit but students are required to register Master’s Thesis/ Research Project Report in their second year and pass this course by successfully submitting and defending their thesis or report.

Courses under the core, global intensive, elective categories use 7 scale evaluation method of A+, A, B+, B, C+, C and F. GPA system is used. Courses under the required courses and the Master’s Thesis/Research Project Report use Pass or Fail in evaluation.

(2) Master’s Thesis/Research Project Report
Over the two years of stay, students develop their Master’s Thesis/Research Project Report by taking required courses, Critical and Analytical Thinking (1st semester), Master’s Thesis and Research Project I (2nd semester), Master’s Thesis and Research Project II (3rd semester) and Master’s Thesis and Research Project III (4th semester). Students present and report their progress at various workshops through the required courses. After the successfully pass Master’s Thesis and Research Project III, students submit their Master’s Thesis or Research Project Report followed by the defense. Three faculty members, composed of chief evaluator and two vice evaluators, are in charge of evaluation.

Students enrolled in or after AY2024

  • We provide the Core (required)、Global Intensive (required elective 選択必修)、Electives and Required Courses, and established a curriculum as below.
  • The Core consists of 8 courses (16 credits) that build a foundation of knowledge in the key areas of management. They are Accounting, Marketing, Finance, People and Organizations, Business Economics, Strategic Management, Operations Management and Business and Society in Global Context. Students are required to take all 8 courses.
  • The Global Intensive is offered in a compressed (typically one-week or two-week) format by renowned visiting professors. Students are required to take at least 1 course (2 credits).
  • The Elective consisted of two categories, Global MBA electives and courses taken at overseas partner university and/or Japanese MBA courses. Students are required to take at least 8 Elective courses (16 credits). Global Intensive courses and Elective courses together, students are required to take at least 22 credits.
  • The Global MBA Electives cover a broad range of business subjects, including Sustainability, Culture and Creativity, Business in Asia, and Advanced Management.
  • Students can take courses at overseas partner university and/or courses offered by Japanese MBA program (Japanese language proficiency test N1 required), up to 10 credits, which can be counted toward students‘ MBA degree.
  • Students develop their Master’s Thesis or Research Project Report by taking four Required Courses: Critical and Analytical Thinking, Master’s Thesis and Research Project I, II, and III. These courses help students to develop conceptual understanding and critical thinking and analytical skills as a foundation for their major project. Students are required to take all 4 courses (8 credits).
  • To earn a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, students are required to submit and successfully defend their Master’s Thesis / Research Project Report.