The Kakushin Juku Innovative Globalization of Kyoto’s Heritage Industries program
About Innovative Globalization program
Case Study
Cultural Combination Strategy
Lateral Expansion of Culture Strategy
Making Culture an Everyday Affair Strategy
Culture and Technology

HOME > Case Study
Case Study
 Cultural Combination Strategy
Masao Hosoo Nishijin Brocade Manufacturer
Hosoo & Co., Ltd.

President and CEO:  Masao Hosoo

【 Nishijin + Italy 】
A collaboration between a manufacturer of Nishijin brocade and an Italian artisan’s workshop creates products with new value
 Lateral Expansion of Culture Strategy
Miho Takechi
Art Producer
Miho Project

Representative:  Miho Takechi

【 Kyoto←→Europe 】
Kyoto hospitality captivates even prestigious European brands: Now it is extended worldwide
 Making Culture an Everyday Affair Strategy
Akira Shigeyama
Kyogen performer
Okura School Shigeyama Kyogen Kai

Akira Shigeyama

【 School Kyogen 】
Kyogen drama: Like the widely loved tofu, it can be a premium dish or an ordinary meal depending on how it’s flavored.
 Culture and Technology
Yunosuke Kawabe
Japan Style System Co., Ltd.

Representative Director:
Yunosuke Kawabe

【 CG Yuzen 】
New value through the combination of cutting-edge technology with the Kyo-yuzen dying Kawabe has known since birth
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DBS Doshisha Business School
Graduate School of Business, Doshisha University
Office of the Program for Innovative Globalization of Kyoto’s Heritage Industries.
Karasuma Imadegawa, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-8580, Japan
TEL:+81-75-251-4600  /  FAX:+81-75-251-4710

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