














人文‧社会 – 経営学



<55歳教授相当> 1 ,040 万円~
<45歳准教授相当> 840 万円~








  • (1)以下の条件を満たすこと:
  • (a)修士以上の学位を有し、ビジネススクールの教員にふさわしい十分な実務経験あるいは研究業績を有すること。
  • (b)関連分野を踏まえた研究の推進、企業との連携、および教育に貢献ができること。
  • (c)熱意をもって学内業務およびビジネススクールの国際化に関する業務に携わることができること。
  • (2)国籍は問わないが、日本語での授業、学内業務ができるレベルの日本語能力があること。グローバル経営研究専攻(主として留学生を対象に英語で授業を行う専攻)の科目も担当できれば、なお望ましい。
  • (3)協調性がありチームワークを重視し、日本語および英語での文書作成などの業務遂行能力を持つこと。
  • (4)採用後は関西圏に居住し、ビジネス研究科に常時通勤可能であること。
  • (5)ビジネススクールを修了していれば、なお望ましい。

  • 雇用形態





    任期あり - テニュアトラック以外


    〒602-8580 京都府京都市上京区今出川通烏丸東入   
    〒530-0001 大阪府大阪市北区梅田1-12-17 JRE梅田スクエアビル17階



    • 昇給制度 : あり
    • 賞与制度 : あり
    • 退職金制度 : あり
    • 通勤交通費支給制度 : あり
    • 定年制度 : あり。65歳。ただし定年延長制度あり。


    • 健康保険:あり
    • 厚生年金保険:あり
    • 労災保険:あり
    • 雇用保険:あり 
    • その他: 社会保険
       日本私立学校振興・共済事業団 加入

    待遇 補足説明






    2024年09月05日~2025年01月31日 必着



    (1) 履歴書*²(様式自由) 1部

    (2) 業績書*²(様式自由) 1部


    (3) 担当科目のうち1科目に関する講義概要並びに講義計画*¹(BtoB分野を含むこと)  (90分×15回) 1部

    (4) 研究業績(論文、著書等〔コピー可〕代表的なもの10点以内) 1部
    (5) 主要な業績(5点以内)の要旨(それぞれ1500字程度。英語の場合はそれぞれ300ワード程度)1部
    (6) 応募者について照会可能な方2名の氏名および連絡先 (所属・職位、電話番号、Emailアドレス等)1部



    事前に必ずWeb応募フォームを提出すること  応募フォーム
    応募書類は 1つのzipファイルにまとめ、zipファイル名を応募者の氏名とすること(例:同志社太郎.zip)。


    〒602-8580 京都市上京区今出川通烏丸東入
      ※事前に必ずWeb応募フォームを提出すること  応募フォーム





    (1) 第一次・・・書類選考
    (2) 第二次(未定:後日決定します) ・・・応募書類(3)についての模擬講義及び面接




    Tel: 075-251-4585
    Email: ji-bs@mail.doshisha.ac.jp


    1. 提出いただいた書類に含まれる個人情報は、個人情報保護法に基づき、選考および採用以外の目的には使用いたしません。
    2. 選考結果に関する問い合わせにはお答えいたしかねますので、あらかじめご了承ください。


    1. 募集分野  Strategic Management ※受付を終了しました。

    2. 担当科目  各募集分野および関連分野から4科目、および「Master Thesis and Research
            Project I、II、III」、「Critical and Analytical Thinking」等

    3. 職名    教授または准教授(専任または任期付。任期付の場合は最長5年)

    4. 募集人員  1名

    5. 採用予定日 2024年4月1日、またはそれ以降のできるだけ早い時期(相談可能)

    6. 応募書類
    (1)履歴書(様式自由・当研究科所定用紙利用可*1)   6部
    (2)業績書(様式自由・当研究科所定用紙利用可*1,*2)  6部
    (3)「Strategic Management」に関する講義概要並びに講義計画 90分×15回)(英語)6部
    (4)研究業績*3(論文、著書等〔コピー可〕)    6部
    (5)主要な業績5点以内についてそれぞれ1500字程度の要旨   6部
    (6)「専任」、「任期付」、「専任・任期付のいずれも可」を明記した文書*4 6部
    *1 当研究科の所定用紙を用いる場合には、以下よりダウンロード可能。
      履歴書業績書(記入見本付)[Excel 66KB] よりダウンロードできます。

    ※ 所定用紙の利用の有無にかかわらず、以下の項目を必ず記載のこと。
    ①履歴書作成年月日 ②氏名(ふりがな) ③性別 ④生年月日 ⑤採用日時点の満年齢 ⑥住所(ふりがな)⑦電話番号 ⑧メールアドレス ⑨学歴(卒業・修了・退学)⑩職歴とその該当年月 ⑪言語能力 ⑫管理運営業務に関する経歴およびビジネススクールで取り組みたい業務 ⑬担当可能な授業科目名。
    ①業績書作成年月日 ②氏名 ③学位 ④学位取得年月 ⑤学位授与機関名 ⑥修士論文(年月および論文名)⑦[博士の学位を有する場合]博士論文(年月および論文名)⑧業績(論文・書籍・その他)。

    *2 公刊予定の業績については、「掲載証明書」あるいは「出版予定証明書」を添付のこと。
    *3 業績は、代表的な研究業績10点以内を提出のこと。
    *4 様式は任意。氏名も明記すること。

    7. 応募資格
       できること。 加えて、日本人学生(主に社会人)に対して日本語での授業が可能であれば、なお望ましい。

    8. 待遇

    9. 応募締切 2023年10月17日(火)必着

    10. 選考方法 下記の要領で実施する。
    (1) 第一次・・・書類選考
    (2) 第二次(11月12日(日))

    11. 書類提出先
    〒602-8580 京都市上京区今出川通烏丸東入
          (注)封筒の表に「グローバル経営研究専攻教員(Strategic Management)応募書類在中」

    12. 問合せ 電子メール(ji-gmba@mail.doshisha.ac.jp)のみにて受け付ける。
          メールの件名に「グローバル経営研究専攻教員募集(Strategic Management)」を含めること。

    13. その他
    (1) 提出された書類は原則として返却しない。厳重に保管・管理し審査終了後は責任をもって破棄する。
    (2) 提出された書類に含まれる個人情報は、個人情報保護法に基づき、選考および採用以外の目的には使用
       Website: https://gmba.doshisha.ac.jp/en/
       Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doshisha_business_school/
       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoshishaGlobalMBA
       YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DoshishaGlobalMBA

    1. 募集分野  Data Science in Business ※受付を終了しました。

    2. 担当科目  各募集分野および関連分野から4科目、および「Master Thesis and Research
            Project I、II、III」、「Critical and Analytical Thinking」等

    3. 職名    教授または准教授(専任または任期付。任期付の場合は最長5年)

    4. 募集人員  1名

    5. 採用予定日 2024年4月1日、またはそれ以降のできるだけ早い時期(相談可能)

    6. 応募書類
    (1)履歴書(様式自由・当研究科所定用紙利用可*1)   6部
    (2)業績書(様式自由・当研究科所定用紙利用可*1,*2)  6部
    (3)「Data Science in Business」に関する講義概要並びに講義計画 90分×15回)(英語)6部
    (4)研究業績*3(論文、著書等〔コピー可〕)    6部
    (5)主要な業績5点以内についてそれぞれ1500字程度の要旨   6部
    (6)「専任」、「任期付」、「専任・任期付のいずれも可」を明記した文書*4 6部
     *1 当研究科の所定用紙を用いる場合には、以下よりダウンロード可能。
      履歴書業績書(記入見本付)[Excel 66KB] よりダウンロードできます。

    ※ 所定用紙の利用の有無にかかわらず、以下の項目を必ず記載のこと。
    ①履歴書作成年月日 ②氏名(ふりがな) ③性別 ④生年月日 ⑤採用日時点の満年齢 ⑥住所(ふりがな)⑦電話番号 ⑧メールアドレス ⑨学歴(卒業・修了・退学)⑩職歴とその該当年月 ⑪言語能力 ⑫管理運営業務に関する経歴およびビジネススクールで取り組みたい業務 ⑬担当可能な授業科目名。
    ①業績書作成年月日 ②氏名 ③学位 ④学位取得年月 ⑤学位授与機関名 ⑥修士論文(年月および論文名)⑦[博士の学位を有する場合]博士論文(年月および論文名)⑧業績(論文・書籍・その他)。

     *2 公刊予定の業績については、「掲載証明書」あるいは「出版予定証明書」を添付のこと。
     *3 業績は、代表的な研究業績10点以内を提出のこと。
     *4 様式は任意。氏名も明記すること。

    7. 応募資格
       できること。 加えて、日本人学生(主に社会人)に対して日本語での授業が可能であれば、なお望ましい。

    8. 待遇

    9. 応募締切 2023年10月17日(火)必着

    10. 選考方法 下記の要領で実施する。
    (1) 第一次・・・書類選考
    (2) 第二次(11月12日(日))

    11. 書類提出先
    〒602-8580 京都市上京区今出川通烏丸東入
          (注)封筒の表に「グローバル経営研究専攻教員(Data Science in Business)応募書類在中」

    12. 問合せ 電子メール(ji-gmba@mail.doshisha.ac.jp)のみにて受け付ける。
          メールの件名に「グローバル経営研究専攻教員募集(Data Science in Business)」を含めること。

    13. その他
    (1) 提出された書類は原則として返却しない。厳重に保管・管理し審査終了後は責任をもって破棄する。
    (2) 提出された書類に含まれる個人情報は、個人情報保護法に基づき、選考および採用以外の目的には使用
       Website: https://gmba.doshisha.ac.jp/en/
       Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doshisha_business_school/
       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoshishaGlobalMBA
       YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DoshishaGlobalMBA

    1. 募集分野  Culture and Creativity ※受付を終了しました。

    2. 担当科目  各募集分野および関連分野から4科目、および「Master Thesis and Research
            Project I、II、III」、「Critical and Analytical Thinking」等

    3. 職名    教授または准教授(専任または任期付。任期付の場合は最長5年)

    4. 募集人員  1名

    5. 採用予定日 2024年4月1日、またはそれ以降のできるだけ早い時期(相談可能)

    6. 応募書類
    (1)履歴書(様式自由・当研究科所定用紙利用可*1)   6部
    (2)業績書(様式自由・当研究科所定用紙利用可*1,*2)  6部
    (3)「Culture and Creativity」に関する講義概要並びに講義計画 90分×15回)(英語)6部
    (4)研究業績*3(論文、著書等〔コピー可〕)    6部
    (5)主要な業績5点以内についてそれぞれ1500字程度の要旨   6部
    (6)「専任」、「任期付」、「専任・任期付のいずれも可」を明記した文書*4 6部
     *1 当研究科の所定用紙を用いる場合には、以下よりダウンロード可能。
      履歴書業績書(記入見本付)[Excel 66KB] よりダウンロードできます。
    ※ 所定用紙の利用の有無にかかわらず、以下の項目を必ず記載のこと。
    ①履歴書作成年月日 ②氏名(ふりがな) ③性別 ④生年月日 ⑤採用日時点の満年齢 ⑥住所(ふりがな)⑦電話番号 ⑧メールアドレス ⑨学歴(卒業・修了・退学)⑩職歴とその該当年月 ⑪言語能力 ⑫管理運営業務に関する経歴およびビジネススクールで取り組みたい業務 ⑬担当可能な授業科目名。
    ①業績書作成年月日 ②氏名 ③学位 ④学位取得年月 ⑤学位授与機関名 ⑥修士論文(年月および論文名)⑦[博士の学位を有する場合]博士論文(年月および論文名)⑧業績(論文・書籍・その他)。

     *2 公刊予定の業績については、「掲載証明書」あるいは「出版予定証明書」を添付のこと。
     *3 業績は、代表的な研究業績10点以内を提出のこと。
     *4 様式は任意。氏名も明記すること。

    7. 応募資格
       できること。 加えて、日本人学生(主に社会人)に対して日本語での授業が可能であれば、なお望ましい。

    8. 待遇

    9. 応募締切 2023年10月17日(火)必着

    10. 選考方法 下記の要領で実施する。
    (1) 第一次・・・書類選考
    (2) 第二次(11月12日(日))

    11. 書類提出先
    〒602-8580 京都市上京区今出川通烏丸東入
          (注)封筒の表に「グローバル経営研究専攻教員(Culture and Creativity)応募書類在中」

    12. 問合せ 電子メール(ji-gmba@mail.doshisha.ac.jp)のみにて受け付ける。
          メールの件名に「グローバル経営研究専攻教員募集(Culture and Creativity)」を含めること。

    13. その他
    (1) 提出された書類は原則として返却しない。厳重に保管・管理し審査終了後は責任をもって破棄する。
    (2) 提出された書類に含まれる個人情報は、個人情報保護法に基づき、選考および採用以外の目的には使用
       Website: https://gmba.doshisha.ac.jp/en/
       Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doshisha_business_school/
       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoshishaGlobalMBA
       YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DoshishaGlobalMBA

    English (Global Business and Management Studies)

    Announcement of Position for Strategic Management *Reception has been closed.

    The Global Business and Management Studies at Doshisha Business School, Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, is actively looking to fill a faculty position at Professor or Associate Professor level in the following areas:

    Strategic Management
    3 other courses in related fields
    Master Thesis and Research Project I, II, III
    Critical and Analytical Thinking

    One (1) position for a tenure or a fixed term (up to 5 years) faculty member.

    The starting date of the role is April 1, 2024. It can be delayed by the mutual agreement.

    The qualifications and important requirements for successful candidates, in addition to the area of expertise, are:

    1. Hold at least a master’s degree and have high-level research achievements in related fields or possess rich professional experiences.
    2. Track record or ability to teach in an international MBA program in English in an interactive manner. No requirement regarding the nationality. The ability to teach in Japanese for Japanese students (mainly working adult) is preferred, but not required.
    3. Reside in/near Kyoto City and come to the campus regularly.
    4. In addition to being in charge of classes, the successful applicant will be in charge of university administration (Admissions, Academic affairs, etc.) and be able to cooperate with the international accreditation tasks of the School.
    5. Experienced in teaching at an international business school and in university administrative management is preferred. Candidates have a desire to develop business schools in Japan and internationally.
    6. With regard to recruiting students, desirable to have experience in building relationships with the MEXT and international aid organizations. Have a strong desire to recruit business school students in Japan and overseas.
    7. Business background or professional business education (e.g., MBA) is preferred.
    8. A cooperative person with teamwork and collaboration skills. The ability to conduct administrative tasks (including the reading and writing of official documents) in both English and Japanese is required for tenured faculty positions.

    Application documents:
    1. CV (in any format), 6 copies
    2. Research record (in any format), 6 copies
    3. Syllabus for a course in Strategic Management (including course summary and
    schedule for 90-minute sessions x 15 classes) (in English), 6 copies
    4. Up to 10 representative research output (photo copies are acceptable), 6 copies
    5. Summary of 5 representative samples of research output,
    [in English (about 300 words per each summary item) or Japanese
    (1500 characters per each summary item)], 6 copies
    6. A document specifying whether you are applying for a "tenure", "fixed term", or
    "both tenure and fixed term" position. Please include your name, 6 copies

    1. For CV and Research records, you may also use the format of the Doshisha Business School, available at the Excel file below.

    CV_and_Research_Record_in_Doshisha_format[Excel 66KB] It can be downloaded from here.

    ※Please be sure to include the following items in both cases where you are using the form of Doshisha Business School, or any other forms.

    (Required information on the CV)
    ①Year/Month/Date of CV creation ②Full Name (with Furigana, if possible), ③Gender, ④Date of Birth, ⑤Age as of the date of employment ⑥Address (with Furigana, if possible) ⑦Phone number ⑧Email address ⑨Educational background (graduation/completion/withdrawal) ⑩Year/Month of Employment history, ⑪Languages, ⑫Experiences of administrative works and aspirations toward your role at a business school, ⑬ Subjects you can teach other than the caption

    (Required items to be included in the Research records)
    ① Year/Month/Date of Research record, ②Full Name, ③Degree, ④Year/Month of degree ⑤Name of degree-awarding institution ⑥Master’s thesis (Year/Month and title of thesis), ⑦PhD thesis (Year/Month and title of thesis, if applicable), ⑧Research records (Research papers, publications and others)※Please do not include coming achievements without certificates.

    2. For Research records intended to be published, please attach a "Certificate of Publication" or "Certificate of intended Publication".

    Fringe Benefits:
    [Salary and Benefits] shall be paid in accordance with the University’s Regulations. Benefits include end-term allowances, dependent family allowance, housing allowance, and commuting allowance, etc.
    [Insurance] Health insurance and Pension will be covered by the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan, Employment insurance and Workers' compensation insurance
    [Retirement Age] 65, with potential extention.

    Application Deadline: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (must be received by this date)

    Selection Process: Review of documents, interview, and sample lecture. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview, and sample lecture on Sunday, November 12.
    ※Interview will potentially be conducted on-line depending on circumstances.
    (Transportation expenses for the final interview will be provided in accordance with the guidelines of the Doshisha Business School.)

    Candidates will be notified of the results of the selection process by letter.

    Please submit your application materials in an envelope written with “Application for faculty position (Strategic Management) in the Global Business and Management Studies in red color on the front and send it by registered mail or courier, to:

    Doshisha Business School
    Karasuma Imadegawa Higashi-iru
    Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
    Japan 602-8580

    For inquiries: Please contact ji-gmba@mail.doshisha.ac.jp.

    Please include “Faculty position (Strategic Management) for Global Business and Management Studies at Doshisha Business School" in the subject line.

    In principle, application materials will not be returned. After the selection, Doshisha Business School will be responsible for disposing of materials. If you would like your application materials to be returned to you, please provide a self-addressed envelope with postage.

    The information provided for this selection process will not be used for any other purposes, in compliance with Japanese privacy protection laws.

    Please understand that we will not be not able to reply to any inquiries regarding the results of the selection.

    The GBMS offers the whole course in English and welcomed 45 students from 27 countries in 2022. For details, visit our website, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

       Website: https://gmba.doshisha.ac.jp/en/
       Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doshisha_business_school/
       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoshishaGlobalMBA
       YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DoshishaGlobalMBA

    Announcement of Position for Data Science in Business *Reception has been closed.

    The Global Business and Management Studies at Doshisha Business School, Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, is actively looking to fill a faculty position at Professor or Associate Professor level in the following areas:

    Data Science in Business
    3 other courses in related fields
    Master Thesis and Research Project I, II, III
    Critical and Analytical Thinking

    One (1) position for a tenure or a fixed term (up to 5 years) faculty member.

    The starting date of the role is April 1, 2024. It can be delayed by the mutual agreement.

    The qualifications and important requirements for successful candidates, in addition to the area of expertise, are:

    1. Hold at least a master’s degree and have high-level research achievements in related fields or possess rich professional experiences.
    2. Track record or ability to teach in an international MBA program in English in an interactive manner. No requirement regarding the nationality. The ability to teach in Japanese for Japanese students (mainly working adult) is preferred, but not required.
    3. Reside in/near Kyoto City and come to the campus regularly.
    4. In addition to being in charge of classes, the successful applicant will be in charge of university administration (Admissions, Academic affairs, etc.) and be able to cooperate with the international accreditation tasks of the School.
    5. Experienced in teaching at an international business school and in university administrative management is preferred. Candidates have a desire to develop business schools in Japan and internationally.
    6. With regard to recruiting students, desirable to have experience in building relationships with the MEXT and international aid organizations. Have a strong desire to recruit business school students in Japan and overseas.
    7. Business background or professional business education (e.g., MBA) is preferred.
    8. A cooperative person with teamwork and collaboration skills. The ability to conduct administrative tasks (including the reading and writing of official documents) in both English and Japanese is required for tenured faculty positions.

    Application documents:
    1. CV (in any format), 6 copies
    2. Research record (in any format), 6 copies
    3. Syllabus for a course in Data Science in Business (including course summary and
    schedule for 90-minute sessions x 15 classes) (in English), 6 copies
    4. Up to 10 representative research output (photo copies are acceptable), 6 copies
    5. Summary of 5 representative samples of research output,
    [in English (about 300 words per each summary item) or Japanese
    (1500 characters per each summary item)], 6 copies
    6. A document specifying whether you are applying for a "tenure", "fixed term", or
    "both tenure and fixed term" position. Please include your name, 6 copies

    1. For CV and Research records, you may also use the format of the Doshisha Business School, available at the Excel file below.

    CV_and_Research_Record_in_Doshisha_format[Excel 66KB] It can be downloaded from here.

    ※Please be sure to include the following items in both cases where you are using the form of Doshisha Business School, or any other forms.

    (Required information on the CV)
    ①Year/Month/Date of CV creation ②Full Name (with Furigana, if possible), ③Gender, ④Date of Birth, ⑤Age as of the date of employment ⑥Address (with Furigana, if possible) ⑦Phone number ⑧Email address ⑨Educational background (graduation/completion/withdrawal) ⑩Year/Month of Employment history, ⑪Languages, ⑫Experiences of administrative works and aspirations toward your role at a business school, ⑬ Subjects you can teach other than the caption

    (Required items to be included in the Research records)
    ① Year/Month/Date of Research record, ②Full Name, ③Degree, ④Year/Month of degree ⑤Name of degree-awarding institution ⑥Master’s thesis (Year/Month and title of thesis), ⑦PhD thesis (Year/Month and title of thesis, if applicable), ⑧Research records (Research papers, publications and others)※Please do not include coming achievements without certificates.

    2. For Research records intended to be published, please attach a "Certificate of Publication" or "Certificate of intended Publication".

    Fringe Benefits:
    [Salary and Benefits] shall be paid in accordance with the University’s Regulations. Benefits include end-term allowances, dependent family allowance, housing allowance, and commuting allowance, etc.
    [Insurance] Health insurance and Pension will be covered by the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan, Employment insurance and Workers' compensation insurance
    [Retirement Age] 65, with potential extention.

    Application Deadline: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (must be received by this date)

    Selection Process: Review of documents, interview, and sample lecture. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview, and sample lecture on Sunday, November 12.
    ※Interview will potentially be conducted on-line depending on circumstances.
    (Transportation expenses for the final interview will be provided in accordance with the guidelines of the Doshisha Business School.)

    Candidates will be notified of the results of the selection process by letter.

    Please submit your application materials in an envelope written with “Application for faculty position (Data Science in Business) in the Global Business and Management Studies in red color on the front and send it by registered mail or courier, to:

    Doshisha Business School
    Karasuma Imadegawa Higashi-iru
    Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
    Japan 602-8580

    For inquiries: Please contact ji-gmba@mail.doshisha.ac.jp.

    Please include “Faculty position (Data Science in Business) for Global Business and Management Studies at Doshisha Business School" in the subject line.

    In principle, application materials will not be returned. After the selection, Doshisha Business School will be responsible for disposing of materials. If you would like your application materials to be returned to you, please provide a self-addressed envelope with postage.

    The information provided for this selection process will not be used for any other purposes, in compliance with Japanese privacy protection laws.

    Please understand that we will not be not able to reply to any inquiries regarding the results of the selection.

    The GBMS offers the whole course in English and welcomed 45 students from 27 countries in 2022. For details, visit our website, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

       Website: https://gmba.doshisha.ac.jp/en/
       Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doshisha_business_school/
       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoshishaGlobalMBA
       YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DoshishaGlobalMBA

    Announcement of Position for Culture and Creativity *Reception has been closed.

    The Global Business and Management Studies at Doshisha Business School, Doshisha University in Kyoto, Japan, is actively looking to fill a faculty position at Professor or Associate Professor level in the following areas:

    Culture and Creativity
    3 other courses in related fields
    Master Thesis and Research Project I, II, III
    Critical and Analytical Thinking

    One (1) position for a tenure or a fixed term (up to 5 years) faculty member.

    The starting date of the role is April 1, 2024. It can be delayed by the mutual agreement.

    The qualifications and important requirements for successful candidates, in addition to the area of expertise, are:

    1. Hold at least a master’s degree and have high-level research achievements in related fields or possess rich professional experiences.
    2. Track record or ability to teach in an international MBA program in English in an interactive manner. No requirement regarding the nationality. The ability to teach in Japanese for Japanese students (mainly working adult) is preferred, but not required.
    3. Reside in/near Kyoto City and come to the campus regularly.
    4. In addition to being in charge of classes, the successful applicant will be in charge of university administration (Admissions, Academic affairs, etc.) and be able to cooperate with the international accreditation tasks of the School.
    5. Experienced in teaching at an international business school and in university administrative management is preferred. Candidates have a desire to develop business schools in Japan and internationally.
    6. With regard to recruiting students, desirable to have experience in building relationships with the MEXT and international aid organizations. Have a strong desire to recruit business school students in Japan and overseas.
    7. Business background or professional business education (e.g., MBA) is preferred.
    8. A cooperative person with teamwork and collaboration skills. The ability to conduct administrative tasks (including the reading and writing of official documents) in both English and Japanese is required for tenured faculty positions.

    Application documents:
    1. CV (in any format), 6 copies
    2. Research record (in any format), 6 copies
    3. Syllabus for a course in Culture and Creativity (including course summary and
    schedule for 90-minute sessions x 15 classes) (in English), 6 copies
    4. Up to 10 representative research output (photo copies are acceptable), 6 copies
    5. Summary of 5 representative samples of research output,
    [in English (about 300 words per each summary item) or Japanese
    (1500 characters per each summary item)], 6 copies
    6. A document specifying whether you are applying for a "tenure", "fixed term", or
    "both tenure and fixed term" position. Please include your name, 6 copies

    1. For CV and Research records, you may also use the format of the Doshisha Business School, available at the Excel file below

    CV_and_Research_Record_in_Doshisha_format[Excel 66KB] It can be downloaded from here.

    ※Please be sure to include the following items in both cases where you are using the form of Doshisha Business School, or any other forms.

    (Required information on the CV)
    ①Year/Month/Date of CV creation ②Full Name (with Furigana, if possible), ③Gender, ④Date of Birth, ⑤Age as of the date of employment ⑥Address (with Furigana, if possible) ⑦Phone number ⑧Email address ⑨Educational background (graduation/completion/withdrawal) ⑩Year/Month of Employment history, ⑪Languages, ⑫Experiences of administrative works and aspirations toward your role at a business school, ⑬ Subjects you can teach other than the caption

    (Required items to be included in the Research records)
    ① Year/Month/Date of Research record, ②Full Name, ③Degree, ④Year/Month of degree ⑤Name of degree-awarding institution ⑥Master’s thesis (Year/Month and title of thesis), ⑦PhD thesis (Year/Month and title of thesis, if applicable), ⑧Research records (Research papers, publications and others)※Please do not include coming achievements without certificates.

    2. For Research records intended to be published, please attach a "Certificate of Publication" or "Certificate of intended Publication".

    Fringe Benefits:
    [Salary and Benefits] shall be paid in accordance with the University’s Regulations. Benefits include end-term allowances, dependent family allowance, housing allowance, and commuting allowance, etc.
    [Insurance] Health insurance and Pension will be covered by the Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan, Employment insurance and Workers' compensation insurance
    [Retirement Age] 65, with potential extention.

    Application Deadline: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (must be received by this date)

    Selection Process: Review of documents, interview, and sample lecture. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview, and sample lecture on Sunday, November 12.
    ※Interview will potentially be conducted on-line depending on circumstances.
    (Transportation expenses for the final interview will be provided in accordance with the guidelines of the Doshisha Business School.)

    Candidates will be notified of the results of the selection process by letter.

    Please submit your application materials in an envelope written with “Application for faculty position (Culture and Creativity) in the Global Business and Management Studies in red color on the front and send it by registered mail or courier, to:

    Doshisha Business School
    Karasuma Imadegawa Higashi-iru
    Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
    Japan 602-8580

    For inquiries: Please contact ji-gmba@mail.doshisha.ac.jp.

    Please include “Faculty position (Culture and Creativity) for Global Business and Management Studies at Doshisha Business School" in the subject line.

    In principle, application materials will not be returned. After the selection, Doshisha Business School will be responsible for disposing of materials. If you would like your application materials to be returned to you, please provide a self-addressed envelope with postage.

    The information provided for this selection process will not be used for any other purposes, in compliance with Japanese privacy protection laws.

    Please understand that we will not be not able to reply to any inquiries regarding the results of the selection.

    The GBMS offers the whole course in English and welcomed 45 students from 27 countries in 2022. For details, visit our website, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

       Website: https://gmba.doshisha.ac.jp/en/
       Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doshisha_business_school/
       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoshishaGlobalMBA
       YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DoshishaGlobalMBA

